The Great Reset — are those in control motivated solely by benevolence?

Will I be free?

Keith Gilbert
3 min readOct 16, 2021
Photo by Agni B on Unsplash

It is a curious thing that my mind can accept an idea to its own detriment. The Great Reset is just such an idea. The Great Reset is the Top Down system of governance under another name and, if some of written history is accurate, Top Down systems have always resulted in poverty for the masses and murder on unimaginable scales.

Giving away my freedom to create the life I want in favour of a promise of everything simplified is giving into people who want to control that new world. It is a recipe for disaster like all of the Top Down experiments before it.

But surely the simplicity of centralised control is better than the complexity of life in a free market? It would take away all the bureaucracy and paperwork and taxes and voting and inequality and corruption… just as it did in all the Top Down experiments before it.

To accept The Great Reset would be to naively accept that those few in centralised control are people motivated solely by benevolence. They are not. The individuals who espouse The Great Reset are afflicted by left brain dominance. The left brain’s function is mainly about manipulation and control. The right brain’s function is mostly to do with how all things relate and the uniqueness of the individuals who are relating. The right brain is interested in how things emerge from the interactions of free minds.

When I am doing left brain dominance my corpus callosum is inhibiting the input of my right brain. A consequence of this inhibition is that I am motivated to control and manipulate to create the world as I want it. In this state of mind I no longer see other individuals as free to do as they please. I see them only as a means to an end.

Is The Great Reset something we need to fight? Is it something we need to stop?

The death of The Great Reset will occur naturally when I learn to coordinate my left and right brains. That means that I will choose to be in a constant state of learning to appreciate the natural desire to create through manipulation and control of the physical world, and at the same time being aware of how the creative act is occurring in a world of complex interconnecting and interacting. Where influence goes both ways and creates the fertile soil for the emergence of new ideas.

I can only give what I have. I can only appreciate others as free individuals who contribute to my life through their unique perspectives and creativity when I appreciate and nurture my own freedom. And when I give myself that most precious gift of freedom, I can appreciate you.

An idea that my mind can accept to its own benefit.



Keith Gilbert

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Consultant. Author of a few books including ‘T.A.Y’ and ’neuro-linguistic programming: Liberating Parents’.