Have we traded our Intuition for News Programming?

Keith Gilbert
3 min readOct 3, 2021

COVID-19 and Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

In early 2020, I heard about the p∆ndemic from my adult daughter and her boyfriend. I seldom watch television and was not exposed to any news about a virus. All of my news came from people who were watching the news.

From this first introduction to a virus, I had doubts. No doubt you’ve had the same or similar doubts. It happens naturally. I’m sure you have experienced it countless times, where someone is talking to you and you get a feeling, some sense that something is amiss.

How many times have we ignored those feelings, those signals from parts of us that are other than conscious awareness, only to find out that they were trying to get our attention, and they were right? If only I trusted my gut instinct, right?

When we watch and listen to others we look and listen for whether what they say matches what their non-verbal communication is telling us; facial expressions, voice tone, movement of body and limbs, and movement of eyes. When it does not match we get a signal, a feeling that something is not quite right. Our intuition gets our attention for the purpose of motivating us to find out, to question, how come I’m receiving two different messages at the same time?

I was getting these signals on a regular basis with regard to information coming to me about the p∆ndemic. Thankfully, I am trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming which heightened my awareness of the sensations my Unconscious Mind uses to communicate with me. This is a large part of the training which amplifies an existing natural function so that it is always available for me, and I am far less likely to ignore it.

Throughout this entire time my Unconscious Mind has been shouting at me that something, many things, are amiss.

I wondered how it was that so many people were not having the same experience. My query was soon answered as I followed the story of a virus. A very obvious pattern emerged. Horror story after horror story being presented to incite fear. That was interesting. To me it seemed very purposeful. An overdose of fear with no balance in terms of practical solutions to protecting one’s self and family. In Neuro-Lingusitic Programming we know this kind of communication is hypnotic in nature.

When hypnotic communication is being used, the klaxon goes off for me… in a big way!

My intuition asked some very basic questions that were missing in the story.

Does a virus have a 100% fatality rate? If it doesn’t, what are the identifiable factors that suggest protection against a virus — age, health, natural immunity, medication, nutrition, environment? How is the emphasis on a death rate so much so that the survivability rate gets no airplay whatsoever?

And so on…

Something’s not right. Things aren’t adding up. What’s going on?

Then it arrives, the promise of a cure. An injection that will save us all. So I asked my Unconscious Mind, is the injection for me? Is it better than my natural immunity and my ability to augment my immune response naturally? And then he gave me an answer.

Now it all makes sense.

Has the news constantly changed its narrative? Will it save us? Does it protect others? Will it only reduce the severity of symptoms? Will we need it on a regular basis for an indefinite period of time? Has it done harm? And what of those who have recovered naturally? Is their immune response better, stronger, than that given by a synthetic intervention?

I am very thankful to my Neuro-Linguistic Programming training for giving me the tools to respect the communications from my Unconscious Mind, and for the appreciation of my personal sovereignty and my freedom. No amount of bullying, coercion, and government intervention and control will ever make me do anything that I intuit is not for my greatest good.



Keith Gilbert

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Consultant. Author of a few books including ‘T.A.Y’ and ’neuro-linguistic programming: Liberating Parents’. klgilbert001@gmail.com